Motor House Down & Insole Grounds 10 am – 2 pm (12-12:30 Lunch)
Tickets are £35
3rd Saturday of the month from 16 Sept 2023 till 18 May 2024.
Morning Session: 10 am till 12 pm, (access from 9.50 am). Location: Classroom, Motor House Down, Insole Court. Activity: Demonstration and Workshop
Once a month we focus on a theme inspired by fauna and foliage, landscape and exterior/interior architecture. Exploring techniques using Dry Media, Pen and Ink, and Watercolour through step-by-step demonstrations. During the workshops you will be encouraged to find your own approaches and styles unique to you inspired by the demo and theme.
Early Afternoon Session: 12:30 pm – 2 pm
Location: The Grounds of Insoles Court, or ground floor of the Mansion and Community Garden. Activity: En Plein Air and/or inside Insole Mansion. *If the weather is not appropriate for En Plein Air we will switch our attention to the interior of the mansion. Sketch and explore the ground’s fauna, foliage, community garden, exterior architecture of Insole Court with a range of media. With regards to observational drawing inside the mansion, use dry media only in sketchbooks.